Versailles château, estate, collections
20,00 €
With more than three hundred pages, three hundred illustrations, and many plans and indexes, this book is an indispensable guide to understanding the Château of Versailles. It provides a detailed history of this fascinating Château and sets out—in the order of the itinerary—an exhaustive description of each room and its function: the State and Private Apartments, the Chapel, the Opera, the Château’s History Galleries, the collections of paintings and sculptures in the Historical Museum, the Petit and Grand Trianon, and a comprehensive guide to the extensive park and its many groves.
Authors: Pierre Lemoine puis Jeremie Benoit, Yves Carlier, Frédéric Lacaille, Alexandre Maral, Hélène Delalex, Béatrice Sarrazin, Noémie Wansart
with RMN-GP editions, 2022
Number of pages: 328
Dimensions: 15.5 X 23cm
Languages: French and English