Jean Nocret (1615-1672) - Painter to Monsieur, the King's brother
by Élodie Vaysse
29,00 €
Castles and museums in the Paris region during the Second World War: Strategic protection.
Claire Bonnotte Khelil, Christina Kott
35,00 €
The Empire Style
Yves Carlier
25,00 €
The Louis XVI style
Yves Carlier
25,00 €
Versailles. Stories, secrets and mysteries
Under the direction of Jean-Christian Petitfils
22,00 €
The secret paradises of Marie-Antoinette
24,90 €
The Palace of Versailles from the sky
Thomas Garnier
39,90 €
Versailles, a feminine palace
20,00 €
Trianon and the Queen's Hamlet at Versailles
75,00 €
Versailles Palace
13,50 €
Louis XVI
8,20 €
Marie-Antoinette and music
25,00 €
Louvois, le double de Louis XIV
Jean-Philippe Cénat
25,90 €
Versailles 1939-1945 – A Palace through the lens
Claire Bonnotte
29,00 €
The Trial of Louis XIV
Charles-Edouard Levillain
24,90 €
The Gardens of Versailles – 1623-1715
Jacques Moulin
49,00 €
Mon compte