Large flat case - 400 years
Bilum x Palace of Versailles
50,00 €
Case - 400 years
Bilum x Palace of Versailles
40,00 €
Flat case - Noël Coypel exhibition
Bilum x Palace of Versailles
35,00 €
Toiletry bag - 400 years
Bilum x Palace of Versailles
70,00 €
Imperial silks for Versailles
Exhibition poster
9,90 €
"Versailles Palace" writing box - golden feather
39,95 €
"Versailles Palace" writing box - white feather
35,00 €
Hall of Mirrors torch
27,00 €
Torch with putti
29,90 €
10€ silver coin - Heritage Palace of Versailles
Paris 2024 Olympic Games
95,00 €
Medallion Q horseback riding - Sport Alphabet
Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics Games
7,00 €
Jean Nocret (1615-1672) - Painter to Monsieur, the King's brother
by Élodie Vaysse
29,00 €
Castles and museums in the Paris region during the Second World War: Strategic protection.
Claire Bonnotte Khelil, Christina Kott
35,00 €
Cabin bag - 400 years
Bilum x Palace of Versailles
200,00 €
Mini-cabin bag - Noël Coypel exhibition
Bilum x Palace of Versailles
190,00 €
Magazine château de Versailles - N°51
They made Versailles
11,90 €
Mon compte