Genealogy of the kings of France and their wives
5,00 €
24,00 €
The exhibition journal "Versailles Revival 1867 - 1937"
6,00 €
Le siècle des révolutions (1660-1789)
27,00 €
René-Antoine Houasse - Painting for Louis XIV
99,00 €
Antoine COYSEVOX - The sculptor of the Great Century
139,00 €
Apollo served by the numphs, masterpiece of the Versaille’s gardens
19,00 €
Révolution - Florent Grouazel
26,00 €
Voleurs d'empires intégrales
61,00 €
The Regent. Philip of Orleans, Successor to the Sun King
25,00 €
Louis Le Masson, François Masson - Architect and sculptor 1770-1820
75,00 €
Le style Louis XV
25,00 €
The Album of Marie-Antoinette
75,00 €
Flying chairs and tables in the 18th century
Stéphane Castelluccio
39,00 €
Mon compte